Waterfall Garden
Waterfall Gardens are a beautiful way to bring the element of flowing water into any environment whether a home or commercial property. Waterfall gardens are also referred to as disappearing waterfalls, or pond less waterfalls. The basic principal is to create a waterfall in the garden without a pond. The water is circulated, however it appears to disappear into a small gravel bed. The water is stored in a hidden underground reservoir and then circulated back to the waterfall. This system is virtually maintenance free. It is also perfect to use in a front yard or if small children are a concern.
Waterfall Gardens as a focal point are a way to bring elegance into a setting that can be enjoyed for all occasions.
Waterfall Gardens Will Transform Your Yard
The latest trend in residential landscaping is to feature a waterfall garden. There are many benefits and advantages to a waterfall garden application on your property. The natural beauty and the timeless elegance of such applications will create visual interest with a dramatic affect that will transform the appearance of your yard to have natural character and a graceful feel to it. As for the sounds of water trickling and cascading down the waterfall there is no other soothing, more enjoyable and relaxing sound for the mind, body and soul to unwind and cherish such quality time out. Another point to make is you can also enjoy the sound of water trickling while you’re inside your home, so you don’t have to be outdoors all the time.
A Waterfall Garden To Suit Your Budget
You don’t have to spend thousands of dollars to have a waterfall garden feature on your property. As there are many waterfall garden styles and designs we can build for you. You tell us what your budget is and we can tell you realistically what we can build for you with the budget you have set out. The costs you initially spend on waterfall gardens are money well spent and well invested. Many might not realize at the time, but you are actually adding value to your home.
No Limitations In Waterfall Garden Designs
In regards to yard space and the design factors, a waterfall garden can be specifically built to suit all types of individual yard requirements. The yard size and the shape of the yard does not matter as there are no limitations in featuring a waterfall garden on your property. This is where our expert design team at Mystic Water Gardens takes charge and will come up with the most suitable design plan according to all the aspects of the present layout for your individual requirements.
The design phase of waterfall gardens is a very important aspect, its all about the correct balance that is well suited to the landscape setting and surroundings. Some waterfall gardens are too big and they can overwhelm the yard appearance and some are too small and don’t really impact the yard appearance as they should. That is why you should leave it to our expert design team as they will recommend the perfect waterfall garden size and shape that will beautifully complement your yard and surrounding areas. It is important to have the correct center feature that is well balanced, more effectively suited to your yard as well as any additional safety measures that you feel are necessary, particularly if you have toddlers or young children.
Safety Issues If You Have Toddlers And Young Children
The safety issue is another important factor that our company takes into vital consideration for those homeowners who have toddlers. Toddlers and young children are always somehow attracted to water and this can become a hazardous situation, especially if the kids are not supervised. Many parents assume that all waterfall gardens must feature a pond pool for the water to circulate and pump the water. This tends to put them off by having a waterfall garden and many choose to wait until their little ones grow up. With the safety aspect in mind, we can design a waterfall garden that is pondless and you needn't have any concerns with children’s water safety.
Waterfall Gardens With Pond Features
Waterfall gardens that have a pond are a great waterscape feature not only for their enhancing decorative appeal, the enchanting beautiful water sounds but they can also be utilized for fish life and plant life. Many home owners just love the idea of having fish in the pond and tend to choose a waterfall garden design with a pond application. Imagine having your own aquarium with fish swimming around right in your backyard, what could be more natural then that.
For more information on our services, call Mystic Water Gardens at 818-424-6836. If you prefer to drop us a line, please use this Online Form.