Xeriscape, Los Angeles, Calabasas, Westlake, Encino, Malibu CA

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We create them all for you in our custom-crafted water features

Tranquility, Relaxation,


Xeriscapes, Westlake, CA

One of the most effective means of creating landscapes that do not require much watering is through xeriscaping. This revolutionary and nature-friendly approach to landscaping primarily helps in conserving water by using only plants that require very minimal irrigation. Given California's vulnerability to drought and long dry spells, this particular method becomes even more important. Another advantage to this approach is greater savings since the landscape is pretty much designed to be low-maintenance. You can also use the conserved water for other domestic applications such as watering your turf or washing your car. When properly planned by professional contractors like us, you will be assured of great landscape elements and features.

Water Conservation

At Mystic Water Gardens, water conservation is among our priorities. We want to help California property owners conserve water given the state's perennial susceptibility to droughts. We provide them with water-efficient landscapes through careful landscape design and planning. We also ensure that our recommended landscape elements and features are perfect for drought prone areas. Moreover, we understand the State's restrictions on use of water in residences and landscapes, which is why we make sure that our services and approach, comply with these requirements.

Sustainable Design

Our company has long been championing the concept of sustainable design in landscaping. We know how to create sustainable landscapes that are absolutely outstanding. Among the techniques that we adopt are water-wise gardening, use of permeable pavers, gray water for landscape irrigation, storm water runoff reduction, and the like. Our techniques and approaches to designing sustainable landscapes have benefited numerous clients across the state. We have also gained the attention and respect of our colleagues and industry organizations for our expert knowledge about this design technique.

Your Drought Tolerant Plants Specialists

Our company strongly advocates the extensive use of drought tolerant plants in all types of landscapes - commercial, residential, or public.

Not only can these plants easily add appeal to your landscape - they are also guaranteed to require very minimal irrigation and thus help cut down your irrigation bills and help conserve our precious water.

If you're looking forward to getting the services of skilled workers in xeriscaping, then look no further. Mystic Water Gardens employs some of the most recognized and sought-after xeriscapers in the State. Our team of seasoned landscapers has completed numerous projects in various parts of Los Angeles. We have worked on highly demanding projects that require our undivided attention and application of years' worth of knowledge and expertise in the technique. The good thing is that we have successfully cleared the challenges of our clients, satisfied their requirements, and exceeded their expectations. With our value-added services, we have created some truly sustainable landscapes that require the least amount of irrigation, thus making our clients more than happy with the results and benefits.

For more information on our services, call Mystic Water Gardens at 818-424-6836. If you prefer to drop us a line, please use this Online Form.

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